• Authors wishing to submit their papers for the 2nd Annual Society of Construction Law Turkiye Conference are invited to submit their papers by 1 September 2024 regardless of their eligibility for speaker slots.
  • The papers submitted until the submission deadline will be reviewed by the Academic Committee and the approved papers will be published as a conference publication after the completion of the event.
  • The papers are expected to comply with the guideline provided below.
  • The papers to be submitted shall not be previously published or sent to be published.
  • Following the acceptance of the papers by the Academic Committee, the papers will be forwarded to the reviewers. Further to the evaluation reports of the reviews, decision will be made to publish the paper, to request revision or to reject the paper and the author will be informed accordingly.
  • If decision is made to request revision, only the revisions requested by the reviewer(s) will be allowed and these revisions will be made with track-changes function.
  • If the papers are accepted to be published, all rights to the paper including but not limited to online publication of the paper in full shall be owned by SCL Turkiye.
  • Paper and Word Limitations: The papers are expected to be consisting of the below sections:
    • Heading (English, Author),
    • Abstract (English),
    • Main Text,
    • References, and
    • Footnotes.
  • No word count limit has been set by SCL Turkiye whilst the authors are expected to comply with the rules for similar conference publications. The maximum number of keywords shall be five. The papers shall be in Word format in Times New Roman Font.
  • Topic and Author Name: The topic shall be typed in 14 pt with all capital letters in bold and centered. The author name shall be written in 13 pt, bold, aligned to the right and first letters capitalized. The title, workplace, department, contact information and ORCID information (if any) shall be written following the author’s surname.
  • Abstract and keywords shall be written in bold and first letters capitalized.
  • The text and headings shall be in 12 pt with 1,5 line spacing and be further arranged as follows:

    Level 1: 1, 2, 3 … (1. BLACK, BOLD AND ALL CAPITAL LETTERS)
    Level 2: A, B, C … (A. Black, Bold and Only First Letters Capitalized)
    Level 3: I, II, III… (I. Black, Bold and Only First Letters Capitalized)
    Level 4: a, b, c… (a. Black, Bold and Only First Letters Capitalized)
    Level 5: i, ii, iii… (i. Italic, Only First Letters Capitalized)

  • For footnotes and references, “APA” reference system shall be used.
  • References are obligatory to be listed on a separate page at the end of the paper with the referenced authors with their surnames in alphabetical order. It is not obligatory to list the referred legislation or court decisions in the references. The references shall be written in 12 pt and justified.
  • Footnotes shall be listed at the bottom of the page in 10 pt and single line spacing. If a footnote is to be placed at the end of a sentence, this footnote shall be placed at the end of the sentence before the punctuation mark without any spaces.


Society of Construction Law Turkey, endorsed by Society of Construction Law International

  • September 26, 2024
  • Wyndham Grand İstanbul Levent Hotel,
  • Istanbul, Turkiye
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